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Zone Fresh’s Finest


200 Grams


$4.99 per 100 Grams


Auricchio Grana Padano is one of the most popular and renowned D.O.P. Cheeses of Italy. It is made from unpasteurised, semi-skimmed cow’s milk in Parma, Italy. Being a D.O.P cheese means it guarantees the highest quality and is produced in the Po River valley, Italy using traditional methods. Each and every wheel of Grana Padano is made using a unique procedure, which is repeated time and time again in exactly the same way.
Type: Hard and flaky
Aged: 12 - 18 months
Texture: Compact, smooth and soft
Colour: Straw yellow
Flavour: Full flavour and nutty
Aroma: strong
How to use: It is a very versatile everyday cheese, such as slicing and which can be served on its own, grated on top of pasta and included in a variety of recipes and part of grazing platters.
Pairings: Cured meat, olives, roasted red peppers, chargrilled artichokes, and spicy chili jams or chutneys and hearty bread drizzled with olive oil and with robust wine like Barolo.
Benefits: No artificial flavours or colours and is Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O), certification to guarantee product authenticity.